Get started with Synchronization Configurations API


This tutorial guides you through synchronizing a file using different configurations with the Synchronization API. Many configurations could be set on three scopes: iTwin, iModel, or Connection. In this example, you will learn how to enable sheets and drawings processing that are not synchronized by default.


Skill level:



50 minutes


Perform all the actions defined in the Synchronize a file from Azure Blob Storage tutorial, which covers all the fundamental steps to a typical synchronization workflow with various data types. As a result, you will have an iTwin, an iModel, and a Connection created with a successful connection run that did not process 2D data.

In this tutorial, we will only cover the workflow for creating and running a connection with a specific enableSheetsAndDrawings configuration set. A .dgn or .revit file with sheets or drawings is required to follow the steps.

1. Guide to Synchronization Configuration API

Before diving into the code to apply configurations to your synchronizations, let’s take some time to understand the workflow and the involved API calls.

Synchronization Configuration API provides multiple flags which apply to different scopes:

Workflow for setting configurations

  1. Identify configurations that require the default value changed per your synchronization workflow.
  2. Create a Connection that establishes links from design files to iModel.
  3. Depending on the supported scope, use Create Connection Configuration, Create iModel Configurations or Create iTwin Configurations, where you specify how data should be processed.
  4. Proceed with synchronization by Running a Connection
  5. Modify configurations for the next synchronization runs if required.

In this tutorial, enableSheetsAndDrawings will be used as an example, but the workflow patterns are the same for any configuration.


Controls sheets and drawings synchronization. If enabled, all sheet models and relayed drawings will be synchronized to an iModel. The default value is false.

Typical use case: As you are synchronizing Revit files, there could be sheets with multiple drawings on them. You can choose to synchronize those or not. If a file contains drawings not used in any of the sheets, those will not be processed.

2. Create a configuration with the "enableSheetsAndDrawings" flag

To enable 2D data processing, we need to create a configuration for connection with the enableSheetsAndDrawings flag.


A Synchronization connection configuration is created by sending an HTTP POST request to endpoint. Where CONNECTION_ID is a connection id retrieved from prerequisites connection.

Request Body

There is one required property for the create configuration payload.

enableSheetsAndDrawings: true


All the applicable flags are set and the enableSheetsAndDrawings configuration is set to true.

HTTP request

ContentType: application/json
Authorization: Bearer JWT_TOKEN

Request Body

"enableSheetsAndDrawings": "true"

Response Body

  "configuration": {
    "scopeId": CONNECTION_ID,
    "settings": { "enableSheetsAndDrawings": "true" },
    "resolvedSettings": {
      "uploadDgnRealityData": "true",
      "convertDgnTerrainModels": "false",
      "createRvtDrawings": "false",
      "squashIntermediateRevisions": "false",
      "skipRvtReprojection": "false",
      "convertDgnHyperModelingSections": "true",
      "clampZExtent": "false",
      "overrideRvtReprojectionDistance": "0",
      "reclassifyDgnElements": "false",
      "ignoreDgnAttachments": "true"

3. Run a configured connection with the "enableSheetsAndDrawings" flag set to true

Perform connection run steps defined in the Synchronize a file from Azure Blob Storage for the configured connection. The result will be a connection run with 2D data synchronized.

4. Update of configuration with "enableSheetsAndDrawings" flag to false (Optional)

If you no longer want to synchronize 2D data, update the configured connection configuration setting enableSheetsAndDrawings flag to false. Next time this connection will run 2D data will not be updated, but existing sheets and drawings processed before will remain in an iModel.


Synchronization Connection configuration settings are updated by sending an HTTP PATCH request to endpoint. Where CONNECTION_ID is a connection id retrieved from prerequisites connection.

Request Body

There is one required property for the create configuration payload.

enableSheetsAndDrawings: false


All the applicable flags are set and the enableSheetsAndDrawings configuration is set to false.

HTTP request

ContentType: application/json
Authorization: Bearer JWT_TOKEN

Request Body

"enableSheetsAndDrawings": "false"

Response Body

  "configuration": {
    "scopeId": CONNECTION_ID,
    "settings": { "enableSheetsAndDrawings": "false" },
    "resolvedSettings": {
      "uploadDgnRealityData": "true",
      "convertDgnTerrainModels": "false",
      "createRvtDrawings": "false",
      "squashIntermediateRevisions": "false",
      "skipRvtReprojection": "false",
      "convertDgnHyperModelingSections": "true",
      "clampZExtent": "false",
      "overrideRvtReprojectionDistance": "0",
      "reclassifyDgnElements": "false",
      "ignoreDgnAttachments": "true"