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May 14, 2024


Added support for Subsurface class and EvoWorkspace subclass to the iTwin Repositories API.

May 9, 2024


Added the ianaTimeZone property to the iTwin model.

Dec 19, 2023


Added the geographicLocation property to the iTwin model.

Aug 21, 2023


Added the includeInactive parameter to all APIs used to query iTwins. You must set includeInactive=true if you want Inactve iTwins to be include in the query results.

Jul 26, 2023


Added the ability to specify an image to use as a thumbnail for iTwins.

  • Added the iTwins/{iTwinId}/image API that is used to add/remove an iTwin image.
  • Added imageName and image properties to the iTwin.

Dec 5, 2022


The iTwin number is no longer required when creating a new iTwin. If not specified or null, then it will default to be the same value as the auto generated iTwin Id.

The iTwin displayName is no longer required to be unique.

Nov 21, 2022


Added support for Account iTwins.

  • Added iTwins/MyPrimaryAccount API
  • Added iTwins/{iTwinId}/Account API
  • Added iTwinAccountId property to iTwin model
  • Added iTwinAccountId query parameter

Oct 28, 2022


Added support for new subclasses of iTwins.

  • Thing:Portfolio
  • Endeavor:Program
  • Endeavor:WorkPackage

Oct 11, 2022


Added the parentId property to iTwins. This allows you to create a hierarchy of iTwins.

Aug 5, 2022


Functionality for managing iTwins and iTwin repositories released to Technology Preview.

Functionality for recent and favorite iTwins released to Technology Preview.

Jun 27, 2022


Added technology preview operation 'Create iTwin Repository'.

Added technology preview operation 'Delete iTwin Repository'.

Added technology preview operation 'Get Repositories by iTwin Id'.

Jun 21, 2022


Added technology preview operation 'Add iTwin to my favorites'.

Added technology preview operation 'Add iTwin to my recents'.

Added technology preview operation 'Create iTwin'.

Added technology preview operation 'Delete iTwin'.

Added technology preview operation 'Get iTwin'.

Added technology preview operation 'Get iTwins Member Of'.

Added technology preview operation 'Get my favorite iTwins'.

Added technology preview operation 'Get my iTwins'.

Added technology preview operation 'Get my recently used iTwins'.

Added technology preview operation 'Remove iTwin from my favorites'.

Added technology preview operation 'Update iTwin'.

May 24, 2022


Added technology preview operation 'Get iTwins Member Of'.


Added technology preview operation 'Add iTwin to my favorites'.

Added technology preview operation 'Add iTwin to my recents'.

Added technology preview operation 'Create iTwin'.

Added technology preview operation 'Delete iTwin'.

Added technology preview operation 'Get my favorite iTwins'.

Added technology preview operation 'Get my iTwins'.

Added technology preview operation 'Get my recently used iTwins'.

Added technology preview operation 'Get iTwin'.

Added technology preview operation 'Remove iTwin from my favorites'.

Added technology preview operation 'Update iTwin'.

Added technology preview operation 'Get iTwins Member Of'.

Apr 28, 2022


Added technology preview operation 'Add iTwin to my favorites'.

Added technology preview operation 'Add iTwin to my recents'.

Added technology preview operation 'Create iTwin'.

Added technology preview operation 'Delete iTwin'.

Added technology preview operation 'Get my favorite iTwins'.

Added technology preview operation 'Get my iTwins'.

Added technology preview operation 'Get my recently used iTwins'.

Added technology preview operation 'Get iTwin'.

Added technology preview operation 'Remove iTwin from my favorites'.

Added technology preview operation 'Update iTwin'.